12 calming essentials for exploring breathwork at home

From scented candles to handheld devices that help slow your breath, feel the benefits of breathwork with this meditation toolkit

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Hero image in post

From scented candles to handheld devices that help slow your breath, feel the benefits of breathwork with this meditation toolkit

By Sophie Lou Wilson23 Aug 2022
2 mins read time
2 mins read time

Modern life is stressful. We’re always rushing from one thing to another and sometimes it’s hard to remember to slow down and breathe. You might feel anxious or overwhelmed and not know what to do about it, but, in fact, you already have the tools you need. It all starts with the breath. Watch Breathe by Woo, our latest series guiding you to slow down, de-stress and release tension.

The term 'breathwork' refers to various breathing practices that slow down and control your breath to benefit your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. Woo’s Breathe series, which drops from 25 August, uses the science of breathwork to guide you through four online meditation sessions for stress relief and emotional release.

It’s about turning off your phone, checking in with your breath and letting go of your worries and anxieties. The more breathwork you do, the more benefits you feel. These calming accessories will help you integrate the practice into your daily routine. So, throw on something comfy, light a candle, close your eyes, and breathe.

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