How to dress big for small days

Channel main character energy everyday with these bold fashion looks

Hero image in post
photo: Team Woo
Hero image in post
photo: Team Woo

Channel main character energy everyday with these bold fashion looks

By Sophie Lou Wilson23 Nov 2023
1 mins read time
1 mins read time

Life is a fashion show and everyday is the runway. Why save a good outfit for special occasions when you can dress big all the time? Main character energy is about making the most of every moment. That daring piece you bought for a party and only wore once? Dig it back out and wear it tomorrow! Life’s too short for boring clothes, so we’ve curated a selection of garms for days big and small.

Think bright rainbow hued bags, neon knits, ruffles and the hottest retro sneakers. Classic pieces are also key for building your signature look. Sometimes one good quality garment is all you need to make a huge statement. Here’s everything you need to dress big for small days.

Main Character is woo's original comedic series featuring an artist, a rapper and a dancer from the Dublin underground, telling three interwoven stories of personal growth in a candid stream-of-consciousness docu-drama. Watch the full series here.

Products are selected independently by our editors from the Woo online store, a carefully curated platform for feel good fashion, beauty, wellness and lifestyle, as well as externally. Discover more here.