here's how to actually get some sleep at a festival

Think it's impossible to get some shut eye at a festival? Think again

Hero image in post
photo: The Royal Tenenbaums, 2001, Touchstone Pictures
Hero image in post
photo: The Royal Tenenbaums, 2001, Touchstone Pictures

Think it's impossible to get some shut eye at a festival? Think again

By Sophie Lou Wilson19 Jun 2023
6 mins read time
6 mins read time

Whether it’s the bass line still thrumming away or the drunken deep chat that's going on just outside your tent, getting to sleep at a festival is no small feat. Add to that the discomfort of sleeping in a bag on the literal ground and the alcohol or other substances coursing through your system and there's a lot that could get in the way of you and a good night's sleep.

The good news is that a few days of little sleep is unlikely to have any long term negative health effects, but it will leave you feeling pretty rubbish when you drag your sorry self back into work on Tuesday. “The festival environment is unlike anything else,” says Nathan Penman, health and wellbeing physiologist at Nuffield Health. “You’re in a tent. It can be hot. It’s loud and there are inevitably very late nights. So, is it still possible to get a good night’s sleep? Absolutely.” Below, Penman talks us through his top tips.

Choose your campsite wisely

First things first, if you’re prioritising sleep at a festival, it’s worth doing your research before you go and trying not to camp in the party area or near the stages that play music until 6AM. “There is usually a quiet camping section in festivals, so you can try pitching there,” says Penman. “If you want to still be in the main section, try and pick one a little bit further from the main area – the campsites on the outskirts tend to be a bit calmer – and away from areas where there are bars or food huts where you are more likely to be surrounded by more people.” For some festivals, you can find info online about what to expect from different areas of the campsite. If you want a good night’s sleep, try camping further away from the main arena. Sure, you’ll have to walk for longer, but if you’re well rested, your body won’t mind getting the extra steps in. Plus, you’re more likely to tire yourself out so you’re ready to sleep when you get back to the tent.

Make your environment as dark and quiet a possible

If you’re going to a festival at the height of summer, there might only be around six hours of darkness and, let’s be honest, you’ll probably be awake for most of it. Darkness, however, is important for a good night’s sleep. “Natural light is a stimulant for our brain,” says Penman, “and before alarms existed, our body’s circadian rhythm used to regulate itself from the rise and fall of the sun which is still ingrained in us.” He recommends investing in a blackout tent, but if you’re looking for something quicker and easier at the last minute, you can’t go far wrong with a classic eye mask. We like this one from Drowsy Sleep Co. to block out light so you can truly switch off and get some sleep.

Plan to get enough sleep

Try counting ahead to figure out your ideal bedtime. Of course, part of the joy of festivals is their spontaneity so you don’t have to stick to this religiously, but your body will thank you for getting at least seven hours rest per night. “It’s recommended that adults get between seven and nine hours sleep per night so try to plan your nights accordingly so you can get as much quality sleep as possible,” suggests Penman. You might be able to manage with an hour or two less if you’re only there for a few days, but try and plan for at least seven hours rest time, even if you’re not asleep the entire time.

Stop drinking alcohol a few hours before going to sleep

Festivals can be centres of hedonism and you might be consuming more alcohol – and other substances – than usual. It goes without saying that this isn’t exactly conducive to the best night’s sleep. “While alcohol can assist with the initial onset of sleep due to its sedative properties, it can cause disruptions later in the night as the liver works overtime to clear the toxin, therefore interrupting the quality of the sleep,” says Penman. “It’s recommended that you should stop drinking four hours prior to sleep to give your body the most time to recover.” So, day drinking! Festivals might be one of the only places where it’s acceptable to drink a warm cider at 11am without it looking like your life is falling apart. If you want to drink alcohol and still get a decent night’s sleep, try switching to water a few hours’ before bedtime – your body will thank you in the morning too. The same goes for other substances, particularly stimulants. Give your body time to wind down so you don’t end up lying awake at sunrise with a racing heart counting down the hours until you need to get up to see your favourite band.

Don't panic

If you’ve not been getting enough sleep, you might feel groggy and slow, but ultimately, a few days of little sleep isn’t going to affect you long term. The human body is resilient to the odd night of bad sleep in the long term so the occasional night won’t have long term health effects," says Penman, "so stay calm and don’t let it get to you or it’ll make the following days and nights worse! It’s easier said than done, but try not to lie awake feeling anxious about the fact that you might not get a full eight hours sleep. If you manage to really sleep well, you’ll be in the minority, anyway. Tents aren’t comfy. People are loud. But these are the sacrifices we make for what could be the best weekend of our lives.

Below, we’ve rounded up some festival sleep essentials to help you recreate that homely bedroom feel even if you’re lying on a camping mat in the middle of a muddy field.

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