Breathe: Staying Grounded

Calm your mind and your nervous system with Woo’s breathwork session for staying grounded

Calm your mind and your nervous system with Woo’s breathwork session for staying grounded

By Eve Walker25 Aug 2022
2 mins read time
2 mins read time

Experience the blessing of breathwork, a practice to feel grounded, mindful, and relieved of stress in times when you need it most. Experts take us through breathwork sessions that help you take control and reset your mind, so that you are ready to take on the day – aaaaand breathe.

Breathwork is an accessible way to reduce stress responses that you can take anywhere with you. By practising techniques that help release anxieties or worries, your body and mind will reap the rewards. The more breathwork you do, the greater the benefits will be. While breathwork may be everywhere at the moment, the technique actually goes back thousands of years in spiritual and Eastern practices, like yoga and meditative traditions. Studies have also highlighted its physical and mental benefits, confirming its value in holistic medicine. It’s a practice for everyone.

Guided by breathwork expert March Russell and Hannah Kendaru, Woo’s breathwork sessions bring your bodies back to a relaxed state, free from everyday worries This session is made up of three stages: an orientation, a journey and an integration.

Gently bringing you into the space, the orientation helps you decompress the body and relax the mind. You are guided to arrive in the space comfortably, and settle deeply as you relax your muscles. Scanning through your body, this session guides you through checking for any tension as you feel the floor beneath you to ground yourself.

Deeper into the practice, the journey allows you to connect with the breath and use it as a tool to create a sense of coherence and balance within the body. Our session leader helps keep focus on your breath throughout, imagining a balloon as you pay attention to the way your body feels.

The orientation sees you moving onto breathing patterns to shift your nervous system back into a state of relaxation. You are invited to sense any physical changes, allowing your energy to flow throughout your body before you’re brought back into the space around you.

After the session, your mind becomes quieter, you are more grounded, and the tension stored in your body is free.

Plug in, breathe out, and let our relaxing sessions wash over you.

You can access March's online studio on his official website.

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