No space to be a normie

The week on TikTok, broken down: featuring influencer trips, sleep gummies and loser art

sleep gummies, glass of champagne and a villa with a pool
sleep gummies, glass of champagne and a villa with a pool

The week on TikTok, broken down: featuring influencer trips, sleep gummies and loser art

By Darshita Goyal07 Mar 2024
1 mins read time
1 mins read time

Hiya, chronically online scrollers! Welcome back to TikTok Decoder, woo’s weekly breakdown of trends, sounds and creators brought to you by senior writer Darshita Goyal <3 Fresh off the slate: wonky sleep gummies, a billionaire wedding and a girl in exile. Buckle in!

internet mood: rich and famous

TikTok is proof that the last week was hard for us regular people. Where are our normie perks? On one side of the world you had a billionaire’s pre-wedding party featuring Rihanna – her first full show in eight years – and Met Gala couture. On the other, beauty brand Tarte Cosmetics took a gang of influencers on a joyride to Bora Bora, featuring private jets serving caviar and champers. At least this time it was inclusive.

new trend: how men sleep

This one’s niche, but somehow still evergreen. A creator joked that her boyfriend looks like a Victorian man dying from the plague when he’s asleep – because he shrivels into a ball – and people ran with it. Some girlies agree, others thinking their partners sleep like damsels in distress, clutching pearls or ready for the casket. It’s silly, easily relatable and funny: everything we love to see on the FYP.

hot and owning it: exile girl

Last week, @Maddie.Braps sat outside Taylor Swift’s sold-out Sydney concert with her two friends. It was all good until she heard the song Exile being played. In a video, we see Maddie shaking and sobbing, while one friend – confused but empathetic – hugged her, the other was shook and appeared to be trying not to laugh. The post obviously became a meme and took on a life of its own. But the funniest reaction has to be from @CharlieSpiteri, the sarcastic friend, owning the hot mess.

freshly viral: lemme sleep

Yes, this is the second sleep reference this week but hey, we’re sensing a shift to soft living. In a video, creator @ChristinaKirkman revealed that Kourtney Kardashian’s sleep supplements, Lemme, knocked her out cold mid blink. The post has 36m views and, while some people are calling this great marketing, it’s a teeny bit scary to me. Help me nap but don’t make me pass out, please.

comfort follow: @LoserArtAccount

If happy crayons could come to life, they’d look like Ashley Setiawann’s art. It’s surreal, comforting and makes you feel seen. A pastel bunny walks through a garden, a dark crossing and space with headphones on; a mushroom house bobbles with a cat; a mini ghost waits at a bus stop. It makes no sense but is so pleasing to the eye that you can’t stop. Scroll on for feel good vibes.

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